Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh Those Jagged Teeth

As many know, this week is shark week. It is a time to study the animals of the deep with their fearsome rows of jagged teeth, emotionless eyes, and streamline bodies that mean death to anything they set their hungry maws on. I know these awe-inspiring creatures have much more to fear from us then we do from them, but they still manage to evoke something deep and old in us: the primal fear. We sit there with elevated heartbeat, widened eyes, and tensed muscles, a natural and life-saving response to anything that could bring about out our earthly demise; we sit and try to put on brave faces against a creature deep down we know we could do little against if it decided it wanted us, and hang in this limbo provoked by fear, but countered by bravery.  When we face that low-moaning wight, deep-breathing dragon, or shining bulette in the realms of our imagination during role-play, I hope to remember this concoction of emotions in the face of crippling fear and act accordingly, for while bravery is admirable, I honestly doubt most people would mix with such creatures and not feel the natural desire to sprint or swim to the closest safe place. 

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